The complete explanitory summary of a masterpeice left for grantite. I may not be an expert, but i know why it's rocks!!
this game was made back in 2002, yet that doesnt mean the new games are any bit better. Sure, many a geek has noticed its lower grapic characters, with no blinking eyes or couphing or whistling when they're bored, but those small add-ins aren't what makes a shooter game great. Its the arsenal, the characters, and the levels, plus music that goes well with the levels. Does Time Splitters 2 have all that? If you want to know and arent lazy semi-illiterates, THEN READ!!!!
Graphics- phenominal (well, for a 2002 game), the graphics are well detailed mostly in the weapons and characters, but mostly during Adventure levels (They rocked so much I wish they had taken every level and made them into multiplayer levels >_< . )
Gameplay- insanely good. MORE THAN 100 FRIGGIN CHARACTERS TO PLAY AS, SEE SOMEONE YOU LIKE IN ADVENTURE, YOU CAN GET THEM AND MORE!!! Along with that, you will get an arsenal of what guns are beleived today to be the best weapons through history- along with fictional guns made up to seem futuristic. Also, as i mentioned earlier, great Vs. levels. Great music made up to seem as if from all over the timeline of places in the game.
Value- great great great, absolute heartwarming. I have never played a game for so long and still have been so excited to get farther. You will really enjoy Story mode in single and Co-op. There is also zany challenges to unlock weapons and do weird things, along with Arcade leage to be thrown into random made fights trying to win either bronze, silver, gold, or even the legendary Platinum.
Tilt- Dramatic ending, weeeeeeeeelll, not really. because of poor movie skits during the game which werent made to seem realistic, it didn't seem so dramatic. And if you dont read the manual or go on the website, you wont understand why you keep playing random strangers.
Overall, it could have been better, yet I'll forgive the makers because i can see they were busy working on differant PRO's to the game to work on the small CON's. Thus, I would say you should buy it!( or rent first maybe, or get it preowned.)