Great FPS with a comical sense and cartoon style graphics.
In any case, even the most Goldeneye fanatic will have to open their eyes and pay attention it. Its not just a game, its THE game for console-owning FPS fans the world over. Never mind the fact that it's also out on the PS2 and Xbox; you could be the most narrow-minded Nintendo fanboy ever and still find a soft spod in you heart for a game as good as this. Put your preducises and preconsceptions to one side, then gab some friends and extra pads - this game is as good as multi player FPSs get.
Much as I know how a lot of you will baulk at the suggestion, we're firmly of the belief that TS2 manages to out-Goldeneye GoldenEye at every turn. True, the N64 classic was something special, but having gone back to it recently, im pretty sure that everything that made it so perfect is either just as good or even better in TS2. Whats more, TS2 offers more play modes than GE ever did. A more expansive multiplayer game with enough stages and characters to keep you going for ages and even a full-on level editor on top of everything that enough to whet your appetite? Thought so.
Of course, it should be pointed out that while TS2 manages to cross the divide between playing alone and playing with mates incredibly well, Free Radical have certainly the very best console Multiplayer FPS ever. Quite simply, TS2 manages to take everything thats good about FPS and bung it all together into a single game; and its not easy to pinpoint exactly what makes everything work so well together, but when you play the game it all seems to feel spot-on. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but anyone who feels strongly about GE being the best FPS around will know exactly what I'm talking about.
Despite the fact that TS2 is primarily a FPS, its not all just charging in with all guns blazing and blasting people in the face, good lord, no. On top of all the shooting, shooting, shooting you've got to do in main story, theres also a fair bit of old brainpower required thanks to numerous pizzle-esque elemnts, for example, trying to work out how to save you mate from the Wild West gaol will have you scratching your head for a bit due to the fact that going in the frount door isnt the smartest move. There's also a whole stealth elemnt going on at various points, meaning that you'll have to hold off on the firepower and instead your temporal uplink instead, using it as a radar to see where all the enemies are. The Neo-Tokyo stage, for example, sees you tailing a member of a rogue hacker group through the streets and into their undergoround HQ; not only have you got to tay out of sight so she doesn't know you're there, you also need to worry about the security cameras and police vehicles that are constantly scouring the streets. Believe me, its not easy, and thats only the first part of the level!!
Theres jsut so much to do in the game, I doubt anyone will finish everything soon - while the 10 stages of story are obviously beatable after several days play, all the different leagues, challenges, secrets and other goodies will keep you playing for an absolute age. Combine this with the virtually infinite amount of enjoyment that you'll get from multiplayer and you've got a game that will never EVER get tired.