TIME SPLITTERS 2, is an freakin awsome game. I'd recommend it to anybody.
User Rating: 9.2 | TimeSplitters 2 GC
I usually only play this game on arcade style, because it's just that much funner. This game really reminds me of Perfect Dark ofr N64. Just the high-tech weapons, and the game its self starts underground, then - everybody has it. My absolute favorite thing to do is on Arcade Mode, Add just 1 monkey, then just go for him, screaming "MONKEY!" at the top of your lungs, then having a manical laugh. Throwing like 10000000000 grenades at the damn monkey, that thinks he's so tough with all of his hair on his chest and a gun that's twice his size. (Because the monkey is the smallest character in the game.) I just love this game so much. It's really easy too. Cuz all of the other guys, suck. Big time. But they do sometimes have strange moments where - They. Kick. Tooshies. So that's pretty much all i have to say.