8.7? Jeez, they underscored this game by a bit. Check it out, you won't regret it!
Graphics:8 1/2/10 Ok sure, they aren't perfect, like, COME ON SHOW US THE HANDS!!! (Well, they fixed this is TSFP, but that's another story)
Story: 9 3/4/10!!! Yes, i know what our thinking, "Hey that's right under 10!" Yes, it is. I know. But the story is just so dang good! I mean, sure, there are flaws, but, it makes up for it with some bone-chilling levels, some stealthy levels, and, thrown into the mix, a level where you just shoot the snot out of everything. There's also two time limit levels, but i hate those, so I'm not going there.
Multiplayer: 10/10. Although there are so many other things you can do in TS2, the main thing is the multiplayer. Without it, Timesplitters 2 would only last for, oh, say, a day or four, and then you'd be done. BUT, the multiplayer gives it that edge that lasts forever, even if you try to dull it 50,000,000,000 times. The multiplayer, if you do it right, can last forever, or until your PS2(or GC or XBOX) burns out with the effort of trying to read it for so long. so, the story and multiplayer make up for the graphics, and the game is a solid ten, making it the best game I've ever played!