'Certainly Time isn't a factor' - Written Jun 7 2003
The Story Mode is very interesting, to say the least. Going through time portals to different times, to collect crystals and kill off people along the way. Including zombies and the ocassional baboon type thing that shoots lightning. The 3 different levels of gameplay all offer something different. They get longer the harder you set it, each more challenging then the last. The levels are varied in setting and each has its highs and lows.
The game is challenging, but it comes with a Challenge mode too. This is very entertainging, if not at times stressfull. You are set a challenge, for example, I'll take the first one. You have to throw bricks through some windows in a set time. The quicker your time, the bigger your reward, a medal. This is very challenging and is very interesting to play. Varying in difficulty and idea.
If you like killing as many people as you can, then arcade mode is most likely your 'cup of tea'. Generally in this mode, with 3 sub leagues, each a different difficulty, you have to do something in a set time. Again, the quicker you do it, the better medal you'll recieve. The majority of the level's main objective consists of shooting as many things as possible. But other challenges are there, such as a survival match, or getting to an objective in time.
Now I love a good FPS Multi-player game with my mates, and certainly, this is better then Halo when it comes to multi-player. Yes, like Halo, you can do the story co-op, but this time, it is slightly different and trickier with the two of you. Playing the two game modes mentioned above will get you more and more characters and levels for multiplayer, giving a very large range of people to play as, and some detailed areas for you to play in. There is a large amount of multiplayer modes to play in too, Deathmatch (kill everyone), Capture the Bag (get the bag, and stick it in your base to score) and Assault (finish the objectives, eg; 1. dissable guns, 2. destroy computers and fuel) to name a few. They're all great to play with or against your friend(s) and will ensure a great time.
Timesplitters 2 has to be one of the best games on the Xbox, considering the above. Eidos has certainly got a very good game here, and no wonder it is spread over the various platforms.