This is the best FPS since Goldeneye and the best multiplayer since Mario Tennis

User Rating: 9.2 | TimeSplitter: Jikuu no Shinryakusha PS2
"Dr Doak" is still at large with Timesplitters 2 and shows to the world that Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are not just 2 hit wonders.By 2002, there had not been a FPS since Goldeneye that you could play long after you had bought it. Enter Timesplitters 2. The gameplay is fantastic and the one player story is much better than on the first one. Instead of "colect the item and go back to the start" levels, there are missions and storylines that are bound to keep you playing for a long time.The graphics are nice and there are some nice special effects added in too. The sound is ok and mostly it captures the mood of the levels quite well. The multiplayer is where it comes into its own. Even in Late 05, I am still playing Flame Tag with my friends on Chasm. We still get a lot of laughs from it. The challenge mode and arcade league and really good too, adding about 10 hours onto the game. If you dont like Future Perfect, you have to go out and buy this game.

P.S Thanks for putting the Dam level in!