Future perfect? If every game was like this, it would be!

User Rating: 8.7 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect GC
Timesplitters: future perfect is the third instalment in the timesplitters franchise. The game is set in a variety of time periods ranging from the machine wars in 2243 to Victorian Scotland. The game itself is extremely easy to learn and it is also very easy to pick up and play. The controls are very fluid and the setup is very easy to get used to.

The character selection is very overwhelming when you first start up the game as they all have individual sound recordings when you select them. This can keep you occupied for ages as the game itself has an overall light and bubbly feel. The arena select for the deathmatches is very good and varied. There are open arenas great for sniping or some tunnels for some close combat action. You will not be short of weapons as there are a lot of them in the game. In the single player mode the weapons are specific for that time period whilst in multiplayer or in the deathmatch modes you can select which weapons you would like to use. The graphics are smooth for most of the game, with a few sections that are a bit sketchy but most of the environments are crisp.

There is a map editor that is a great enhancement to the game and adds many more hours of gameplay. The map editor does take a bit of getting used to but when you start to get the hang of it you will be knocking out maps that are better than the pre-loaded maps.

All in all this is a very enjoyable game, but you may want to rent before you buy as it might not be your type of game.