This game has an o-k single player, awesome multiplayer, and the best mapmaker I've seen to date.
User Rating: 9 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect XBOX
Gameplay: Controls are simple. But mapmaker is very complicated. Graphics: Cartoony, but great graphics. The levels are sometimes a touch bland though, especially the Robot War level. The blood is plentiful and looks great!! Sound: A strong part of the game. Some backround music is creepy, some totally blends in with the level, and some that makes you want to dance. I was happy to see music from the past games. Voice acting is funny and done in a way that makes you want to keep playing. Value: The single player is way to short ( finished it in two hours on easy!) but there is so much more to do with the online. If you have online and want to make maps, this is a must-buy. Overall: There is too much to say in this review. This is one game that you must buy especially if you have online. There are 150 characters in the game to unlock and plenty of arcade and challenge matches. This game can only be compared to with Perfect Dark and Goldeneye!!!!