Awesome game!! Almost another Halo 2, Metroid prime 2, and Grand Theft auto!

User Rating: 8.8 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect XBOX
This game was good! If u look back at the other game company's games of Timespliiters and Timesplitters2, u can see this game has improved by alot. The series has gone from a low graphic multiplayer only game to a short storyline and great multiplayer game to the awesome storyline and multiplayer game (beats halo 2 b/c of the better storyline). NOt only that but u even get new additions to the timesplitters series.

these new additions include an updated (and for some weapons) better versions of the older weapons, for example: the sci-fi handgun in TS2 was crap but in TS3 it becomes the main weapon of the game, becomes alot stronger, and is alot better looking. Also the stroryline actually explains what is happpenig unlike TS2. To make this all simple Timesplittters 3 was an awesome game and u should get it if u havent.