If you liked the other two, you may be dissapointed in how easy it is. If you've never played one or two, I despise you.
User Rating: 7.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect XBOX
After playing TimeSplitters 2, I was eagerly awaiting this release. i bought TimeSplitters 3 the day it came out and I went straight to the mapmaker. It updated SO MUCH since the second installment. I'm going to say that if your creative, you can make a truly amazing map. After some time I finally went into the Story mode and arcade mode. I was appauled. I started the game on normal, (mind you, normal is hard for Free Radical) and beat the game in less than five hours with a friend in co-op. I should have figured as much when EA got their hands on the title. I'm not saying I dislike EA, just my favorite companies are going under to them, ( Criteron, Acclaim, Edios) So, if you've never played a TimeSplitters game before, this would be a good place to start, because it is truly a great game. If you are a fan of the series, rent it, and beat it. Don't go out and waste $40.00.