Has one best multiplayer gameplay for shooters. Can fully customize gameplay. Single Player is better than last game.

User Rating: 9.7 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect GC
One of my favorite multiplayer games around. the single player is a little better and easier than the last game. Still stuck on one part. You got a fair assortment of weapons and 100s of players to choose from for multiplayer modes. This game is a must for Muitiplayer Shooters. The challeges are pretty challenging indeed. I beat some of them,but the rest are almost impossible to beat. This may not be halo, but it is still a lot of fun. The controls in this game is really easy to use and get used to. asd DLadssalkdA DSJDsD d. DAF ADF ASDF DASFSDF DSAFASD FSADFADSDF ADFDSAF D.