Best TimeSplitters!

User Rating: 9.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
This is a great futuristic, modern, and past game ever. The graphics have improved so much. Anyone who likes first person shooters need this game! Overall I think this is my favorite FPS for the PS2. The guns are also great. I love the character selection too. Some jokes can be funny. Some can also be very corny. The maps are great and filled with surprises in multiplayer and campaign. Two levels of the campaign can be creepy. The rest are really fun. The levels are also very quick and not really slow. A few levels are really long but, most of the time they are short. It hops from on time period to another. You need to play the whole game to get the whole story. I also like that most of the characters are mainly in multiplayer. Their is a high amount of bots. I havn't played in a long time so I think there is 16. This game isn't very tactical.