............this game has monkeys................what are you doing?.........go buy it!

User Rating: 8.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
for those of you who think that having playable monkeys in this game isnt good enough reason to buy it (you sons a b&*%$$@$$^) it has plenty of other stuff that is irresistable.

SINGLEPLAYER:This is actually fun which made me almost swallow my tounge the action is sort of quirky,its not realistic but its not completly fake if you know what i mean basically you play some futuristic soldier named cortez it starts in the year 2401 and even all the way back to 1924 chasing a dude that has your crystals and its really fun and its even cooler in co-op.thats pretty much it theres not much else to it.

MULTIPLAYER!!!!!:this game defines 'fully customizable" multiplayer the matches can be set up in literally an endless number of ways.

sorry for the dumb review but the game is diffucult to describe all i can say is trust me its worth it........................and there's monkeys!..........................................................................just sayin................you know.............................................................dododododododo..........................................im going to go get a cookie..............................................................