Terrific, eclectic shooter with a dose of good humor and great action throughout. Recommended!

User Rating: 9 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
The game takes you to different points in time, giving you the feeling that sometimes your actions have already been predicted and done. The range of weapons changes with the designated time period you're playing in and I found the more organic, old school weapons more to my liking, but there's enough variety for everyone I'd say.

The main character and the people who "assist" him in his quest, are very charming and likable, and if you're like me, you'll find yourself laughing it up with each cutscene and Cortez' antics.

The enemies range from zombies to WWII-like soldiers and more. Gameplay is smooth and not as gritty as other shooters on the PS2 (Killzone comes to mind), but very satisfying.

The puzzles can get tough on the latter stages but with the aid of a guide, I finished the story mode, which is more than I can say for other shooters I've played.

Very high replay value and I'd give it a solid recommendation.