Time Splitters: Future Perfect keeps the replay value, and the laughs, up!

User Rating: 9 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
The PS2 had an exponential number of great games. But its First Person Shooter line up was a bit dry. Thankfully, the Time Splitters franchise blessed Sony's second console with three gems. 'Time Splitters', 'Time Splitters 2' and 'Time Splitters: Future Perfect' rocked hard.

I'll skip TS and TS2, and jump to the crown jewel of the series. Time Splitters: Future Perfect took everything to like about the first two installments and put them on steroids. The game should have been sub-titled "Mode Madness" for its mountain of modes and unlockables.

The story is genius in that it sets up the game to have multiple themes that normally wouldn't work in a single game. The story is: An evil species called the "Time Splitters" are going through time to disrupt human events in an attempt to destroy us. "Cortez", your character, must trace them to their origins to keep them from ever happenning. And did I mention the comedy factor? Cortez, as well as his allies and enemies, is hilarious! This is a much needed departure from the overly serious, 'super-soldiers' that have become cliche in FPSs.This premise allows for weapons, locals, characters, etc... that normally wouldn't fit together to...well...fit together. And it's a great set up for the real meat of any good FPS; the multiplayer modes!

PS2 and XBox owners can play online. GameCube owners aren't so lucky. But there's always split-screen and bots on all three platforms. The bots are a factor I wish more recent FPSs would feature. Let's face it - not everyone has broadband, bots are a factor in getting some people to purchase an FPS.The modes themselves could have been a seperate game. The modes are what you'd expect from any decent FPS: DM, TDM, Capture The Bag, Zones, Assault. Then there are TS series specifics: Bag Man, Gladiator, Virus, Vampire and 'Monkey Assistant' (for those getting stompped). There's also, "Cat Driving" (a funny racing game) and "Monkey Curling" ( a minigame where you aim and toss a monkey at a ranged target). These two will have you rolling. And yes, MAP MAKER mode makes a reappearance.

The unlockable characters range from menacing to hilarious! You've got War Vets, Space Marines, Aliens, Cow Boys, Construction Workers, Gang Members, Mobsters, Ninja Monkeys, Kung-Fu Masters, Clowns, a Gingerbread Man, Robo Fish (a robot with a goldfish in a bowl for a head!) and even a human sized SOCK PUPPET! I'm NOT making this stuff up.

All in all, TSFP is one of those titles you don't hear much about. But once you've played it you're hooked. I'd put it up there with MKD, Psi-Ops or Metal Arms: Glitch In The System.