Flawless, this game is everything packed into one game. From 1942 to 2142 this game delivers it all.

User Rating: 9.7 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
This game was amazing down to the very last minuet. The game provided many different types of enemies requiring you to develop strategies to destroy the variety of enemies that were thrown at you. The story was immersive and the characters were gleeming with emotions. You could tell there was a lot of thought put into the characters behaviors. The types of weapons available were numerous and different. For example you get the 1940's sniper rifle and then you get your hands on a sci-fi sniper rifle. The feel of both the guns may be similar and the scope and shooting may be the same but the look is quite different and adds to the variety. There are also different types of modes for the weapons. The soviet machine gun also has a grenade launcher attachment to it and the pistol has a scope and silencer feature are some examples. The button lay out is near perfect and the ps2's controller symmetry compliments this fps. However if you do not like the button configuration you can also change it as well. (I myself switched the fire button to r1 instead of the default r2) All in all this game has the workings of a great immersive fps that really grabs you into the story, for me that is hard to do with an fps because you are always shooting or running extensively that it becomes hard to concentrate and appreciate the story. The game provides tons of different maps to play on as well as the ability to make you own maps. The levels are fun to explore and different each is different for they take place in entirely different time zones. So if your looking for an intense game that will keep you happy then timesplitters future perfect is the game for you.