A very fast paced first person shooter that adds some very hilarioius cutscenes.
User Rating: 8.8 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
If you like fast paced shooter games, then Timesplitters: Future Perfect is the game for you. In this installment to the TImesplitters franchise, a new weapons system was implemented and was very effective. Most weapons had a second function that allowed you to modify your weapon so that it could use its secondary fire.(The previous Timesplitters games had secondary fire, but did not use this feature). Another thing about Future Perfect that made it different from the previous Timesplitters is that its campaign story line was more interesting and had some comedy added to it. Character development was more evident in this installment than the previous games as well as more realistic reloading. As expected with the latest installment of any series, Future Perfect has improved graphics. As for its multiplayer section, the gameplay is as fast as ever. Although this installment includes outdoor maps, there is really only one good map. As for vehicles, there is only one availiable vehicle and driving it is not very fun. Overall, TImesplitters Future Perfect is a great game and is the best the series has to offer.