The best in the series!

User Rating: 8.4 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect XBOX
Time Splitters: Future Perfect was a game that I had large misgivings about playing. After having played Time Splitters 2 for Xbox and finding out that the single player campaign was little more than a string of loosely tied missions with almost no coherent plot, I figured Future Perfect would be the same way. I'm a big plot fan when it comes to games. There must be some kind of story! TS 2 had almost none, and most of the game was about playing mini-league games for rewards. Cool, but a better single player would have been better. Future Perfect met that challenge. Not only did the single player campaign have a tightly knit plot, it was a hilarious story as well. I found myself laughing out loud throughout the game because of Cortez's (main character) crazy antics, great one liners, and funny interactions with . . . well his future and past selves. Future Perfect is a pure first person shooter. There is nothing new to that formula. In fact, you can't even jump in the game, so everything is based on how well you can shoot. The game is very linear in how plays out, which is fine with me as long as the linear aspect helps tell the story (which is does in FP). One of the coolest parts of a Time Splitters game is that you never get tired of the weapons. Because you are traveling through time, you are always getting new weapons from the century you are in. Everything from WWII type guns to sweet future laser weapons you never have to reload. Another great aspect of the game is that you can play through the campaign cooperatively. The rest of the game (and there is a ton of it) is devoted to the same type mini-league and arcade games that made the other Time Splitters so geared toward multiplayer. They are quick little challenges that pit you against various numbers of AI opponents with different goals in each match. It's a fun quick game mechanic that is worth a look. Overall, Future Perfect is the best of the series, a very fun campaign to play through, and a game that is definitely worth picking up (especially since you can do it so cheaply now).