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User Rating: 9.3 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect XBOX
The timesplitters series started off pretty weak with the great-multiplayer, crappy-single player Timesplitters game for the Playstation 2. Then Timesplitters 2 was created to become one of the greatest multiplayer FPS's out there. Unfortunately the single player was still pretty weak. Better than 1 but not great. Finally, the epitome of the Timesplitters saga has come. Future Perfect is the first Timesplitters game (in my opinion) to actually have an interesting story. You play as Seargant Cortez as he is returning from the Timesplitters spaceship (the setting of timesplitters 2). You are immediately thrown into a final battle to stop the timesplitters from ever existing in the first place. The single player is very cool and will not grow old for a long time.
Gameplay: Definitely one of the best FPS's on the Xbox. If you are getting sick of Halo, jump over to Timesplitters. There is so much to do in this game, it's practically impossible to hate everything. They have the single player story, challenge mode where you are awarded for doing well in 26 different challenges, play in arcade leagues where you are thrown into a pre-set battle and awarded on the amount of kills u get and how fast you can get them. All of this accumulates in your completeness profile and awards you with extra characters to choose from in multiplayer! The multiplayer has 8 different game modes to choose from all the way from Deathmatch, which is your typical get the most kills in the least amount of time FPS game, to Virus, which is basically a game of tag. And for those Timesplitters 2 veterans out there, the mapmaker system is back, better than ever! For those of you too lazy to make your own map, you can also swap maps online for free! Anyone can upload their maps to a central xbox live pool that anyone can download from. What this means is, every day, you can get new maps to own your friends at. There is also multiplayer over Xbox Live which can create some very hectic battles.
Graphics: The graphics are really good in Future Perfect with great environments and character designs. Every different time period you go to will really feel like you are there and in that time. The environments are so lush and detailed, if it weren't for the constant action, you would be tempted to just stand there and enjoy the awesome scenery.
Sound: The music is very fitting for the levels. For example, in the third level, you have a choice of playing the level stealthily or just rush everyone. If you go stealthy, the music is very splinter cell-ish but as soon as you lose your cover, it breaks into a very hectic, action packed track which goes very well with the battle.
Replay Value: Don't worry about replay value, this will never be a problem. Even single player there is plenty to do. Once I beat the entire main game once, i was only 9.3% done with the game. There are 150 characters to unlock, tons of maps and even game modes. Getting platinum on all the challenges and leagues as well as beating the game on hard is no easy task and will take you more than enough time to be worth the money. That's not even mentioning the incredible multiplayer that the Timesplitters saga is known for.
The only thing I didn't like about this game is that the ending shows that this is the end of this incredible series. It really went out with a bang though and I was glad to see the last game be the best in the series if not one of the best FPS's of all time.