Timesplitters offers an amazing, fast paced FPS game unmatched by any other shooter.

User Rating: 8.6 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2
Since its release, Timesplitters became one of the best shooters made for a console. Timesplitters also became one of the first multiplayer shooters made. In the game, there are several modes. Story mode, multiplayer, and challenge mode (when unlocked). The game's story mode asks you to play as different characters in different time periods. However, the story is not well developed and the charcters are not introduced well. The story missions are basically the same every time because in each mission, the player's job is to find the key items needed. Although the story is not well developed, the multiplayer is incredible. Even if you do not have any body else to play with, the game offers "bots" to play with or against you. Game modes will be added through your achievements in the story mode. One thing that hinders the game is its loading times. Loading times can take minutes, which can be a pain. The weapons in the game are very well developed and well placed in the maps. Another good thing that can be said about the game is its mapmaker mode. The mapmaker mode allows you to make your own maps in detail. Overall, the game is great and will be one of the most fast paced shooters ever made.