Primitive graphics, mind-numbingly simplistic gameplay, choppy, etc...

User Rating: 2.9 | Titan Quest PC
Where to start. It's basically your average point-and-click RPG where you kill stuff, talk to people, get loot, sell it, rinse and repeat. It reminds me of Diablo, except that it has been created years later. The character design screen is terribly simplistic, since you only get to customize your character by choosing sex and the color of the clothing (about six colors if I remember correctly). The gameplay is bland with the main quest system where you just go through a linear quest and some linear side quests which you can choose to take or can choose not to take. You click to walk, click to attack and press a key and click to cast a spell (unless the spell is a cast-on-self spell, in which case you just press the key to cast it). Mana and health regenerate on their own or can be healed. A big let down is that you cannot rest to heal or regenerate mana, so you have to heal or wait a long time, which is a pain. When you gain a level, you choose a field (various mage fields, an archer class and two fighter classes) and gain HP/MP according to that class with every level you take in that class. You can also spend experience on class-based abilities such as shooting spells (each of which can be improved with each level in that spell) or attack abilities for fighter classes. All very bland.

In terms of the gameplay, you just walk around and kill enemies with the boring point-and-click fighting system to gain experience and continue in the game. If you come across a difficult enemy, just attack them, lure them out until they decide to return (apparently they are scripted so they cannot follow you past a certain point), and attack them once they return to the start point. You can kill many bosses this way. After you kill the enemy, you also loot them. Once your inventory is full, you teleport back to the town, sell it off, and teleport back to where you teleported from originally and continue. Before long, you can have hundreds of thousands of gold pieces. Before you know, you'll figure out that looting is a totally boring waste of time in this game and that you should just cheat to get yourself gold and only pick up weapons that are superior to the ones you are wielding. That and pick up the potions. This is how the game continues for a LONG while, until you get the ability to summon "pets" (if you're a caster), which will make the game even more boring since now you don't even have to avoid getting hit.

The sounds produced by the characters that hand out quests aren't that bad, but you'll soon figure out that you just need to click on the quest giver and leave and just loot until you stumble upon the quest target. The game really doesn't get any more interesting or boring, at least not in the first part of it (as far as I played because I couldn't stand the boredom).

The graphics are just awful and are outclassed by Neverwinter Nights, an RPG that was released FOUR YEARS earlier. That and the game somehow manages to be choppy even with my comparatively upgraded system, whereas the graphically-superior Neverwinter Nights was NOT choppy on my earlier system. Not to mention that this game is worse than Neverwinter Nights in virtually every aspect, even if the same Neverwinter Nights were released today.

Definitely not worth it. Do not buy this game, it is total crap and a complete waste of time.