It ain't no Diablo killer but it's still a great looking game that offers a lot for people who likes this genre!
Titan Quest is a hack and slash action-RPG in the same vein as the Diablo series. It's not the Diablo killer everyone is looking for, but it's still a very good game that needs to be played if you like that kinda of stuff.
The first thing that will hit you when you start this game is the sweet graphics! Everything is in 3D and when played at 1024*728 with all the details and effects on, it's a beauty to watch. It's also important to note that it's not just the graphic engine that makes the game so beautiful... the art direction is great as well. Each location of the game has been designed with love and it shows. (The great wall of China is the highlight for me!) The game even has a accelerated day / night effect which looks cool as well.
The sound is really well done. The soundtrack is low-key but there's so much sound effect that it gets drowned out anyway. The voice-overs are nice but the actual dialog drags from time to time (ok shut up and just tell me what i should do next!).
The actual quest is very long, it will easily take you at least 30 hours to go thru the main quest (not counting Immortal Throne) for the first time. After that you can redo it with a higher difficulty which contains harder monsters and sweeter loot. Usually i finish a game and go to the next one.. but i'm actually exciting to replay the quest on a harder difficulty just to get better gear!
TQ is a great multi player game. When you host a game you are basically playing your quest like you normally would and then all of a sudden people connects to you and help you squash monsters and do quests. Everything you do in multiplayer affects you single player campaign as well. The bad part is that all characters are saved on your HD so it's very easy for people to hack their heroes to make them Gods.
All in all this game offers the best experience besides Diablo 2 for you hack and slash fans. It has great graphics, a lengthy quest, large number of items, good coop online play an more. The game is currently 19$ here and it's worth every penny. The expansion pack is 29$ and is also a great value for all the content it adds to the main game.