A lengthy and fun RPG which leans more towards action with its 'click to kill' simplicity and hack and slash fun
The gameplay is great, the length is surprisingly massive, you fight you're way from some small town in southern greece to towns like Delphi, Megara and finally Athens and this takes about 8-10 hrs on its own if you choose to pick up every item, take every route and fufill every quest. And just when you think its done you're sent to an island south of greece which then will see you setting sail for Egypt where it will take you about the same time as Greece did then you're sent off to Babylon and then Asia which will also take the same time and then the final showdown at Olympus. And you will find the amount of hrs you spend on this game ending up to be like 30+ hrs which is like double a regular game. And although at times it may get tirering, as long as you don't play for like 5 hrs at a time or something stupid like that the boring moments shouldn't come up often.
The overall gameplay starts off with you picking a character, which is a disappointing part of the game because there is no customisation apart from gender and tunic colour. Then you arrive at a small town with nothing but that tunic and you have to take down the present monsters with your fists but then you can pick up their weapons and items and use them for yourself, these range from swords, spears, shields, bows, staffs, mallets, clubs, arm bands, leggings, rings, amulets, necklaces etc. The inventory system can get annoying because of the surprising amount stuff the enemies drop. However pressing X will highlight the special stuff you'll be stupid to miss which will sometimes miss a few things but pressing Z will highlight everything and let you decide what's not good or not. When your inventory is full its best to find a merchent, trader, blacksmith etc to sell it to for some cash. This cash will enable you to be able to buy the items they are selling which are usually weaker then the amazing things you pick up on your travels but there is often a diamond in the rough so look out for something good there. You will also want to buy health and energy potions because you'll need em with the amount of enemies you'll be facing. The portal system helps alot with the collecting of items, because once your full of stuff to sell and nowhere near another town you can just lay down a portable portal and travel to another portal which are usually in every town.
So overall thats the gameplay for you, killing, scavenging and selling. But also you must complete the main quest and the optional side quests - which you'll want to do for the money or cool item you'll receive, also the experience. - The experience system is cool, once you fill it up you will be upgraded to the next level. By the end of the game you'll find yourself at about level 30 or so. At about level 2 you can pick a power, these range from; storm, earth, spirit, warfare, defense, nature and rouge. They vary in quality and in my opionion the ones to pick are; Earth, Storm, or Spirit and the ones to avoid would be something like nature. You only get two choices so be incredibly carefull as if you pick something bad you cant take it back and your stuck with it. within these powers are speperate powers which are permantent until you find a mage, who will undo your mistakes for a price. With each new experience level you will get more points to pick the minor powers. And you also receive points for strength, health, energy, dexterity and intelligence which you will need to manage as you need them to use specific items - these are permanent too.
The graphics are great with good water effects, beautiful environments, flashy magical powers and scary looking enemies.
The sound is good with a mixture of calm music with also theatric exillerating pieces altough there is nothing you'll be lookign to download/buy.
In conclusion this game is a length, fun game that is great for action loving players.