A must for all Diablo & Titan Quest fans !!!
User Rating: 8 | Titan Quest: Immortal Throne PC
Practacly this expansion is similar with Lord of Destruction because it brings a new realm & a new class ... basicly after you defeat Typhoon you will continue your quest to defeat HADES because after zeus mentionioned that he will not interfere with humans again ... Hades took advantege & started to attack the human race. If you have your old save game with your old char ... its good in away because the game lets you continue from there in to the new realm but the onlu problem is that because of the new monsters & items & other stuff you will se that you can not ressist the new powerfull monster so i recoment you start the game from the biggining with all the new stuff integrated . The graphics are the same but better & with some improved effects but the same artistic look ... the gameplay is still chalenging especially because of the new mosnters & the sounds are great ! If you have enjoyed the first game you will sure need this 1one two !