WOW !! I had not expected any game to be so close to DIABLO and as much fun. Far better than most reviews!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Titan Quest PC
This is the best game along the lines of Diablo that has ever come out and is just as much fun to play. While I like D2/LOD a bit more this game is awesome!! I highly recommend this addictive game to all gamers as there are not many games as enjoyable and as playable by - 'all gamers'.

While the games Titan Quest and it's expansion Immortal Throne work just like Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction they offer the player their own challenges but they also offer a lot of new ideas especially the larger storage and a Caravan for more storage. The caravan can be used to hold more items and also to transfer items between your different characters.

Go to your favorite place or site and purchase both Titan Quest and Immortal Throne. Install both and enjoy the challenge and the fun. I would also recommend you visit '' and join the forums as they are one of the better forums I have been a member of with mods and more plus a great group of members (though some have bad days_lol).

New players I recommend you get TQVault and TQDefiler just use either as a search term on the forums mentioned above. I just wish that both had been around for my later stages of playing the Diablo series.