Diablo 2...I mean Titan Quest

User Rating: 8.7 | Titan Quest PC
Remmonsters just to get those 3 Prime evils…? Well I do and aberrantly so do the People at Ironforge… This game … how should I put it… I know… DIABLO 2. Same combat stile, same buttons, even the two weapon sets that can be equipped. But it does have a lot of other interesting things… For example it’s skill development system. Here we begin with a normal Human and we can chose his future: warrior, mage, ranger, rogue etc… At least that is the beginning… Next I find out that every 8 levels you get to chose a new class…So you can Mix things up to truly create an unique character . I haven’t played multiplayer… yet, but being able to play in multiplayer with your single player character is a great plus and will definitely make PVP great battles.
The story… not so original but very captivating… Zeus got cocky and Titans escaped… World under Siege… go you!! Not so special is it? But visiting the legendary Oracle of Delphi, visiting Athens in old Greece, killing Medusa (and hopefully other titans… the game takes a lot of time) makes it very addictive. The Diablo hack and slash game-play is exactly the same… HACK AND SLASH… kill everything that moves…
Quests… when it comes to quests… Sacred remains the only hack-&-slash with a decent number of quests. Diablo had 6 quests per act… Well this game has one mane quest… and a number of side quests… pretty satisfying until now (it’s no Sacred) , and I might have missed a few.
My advice: play the game… It’s a great game… yes it stole a lot of ideas from Diablo, but it’s the only decent game to come out in recent years. So play it… I liked it a lot! Hope you will to.