Best Hack and Slash RPG To Date.

User Rating: 9 | Titan Quest PC
Now I only have put in about 15 hours of gameplay into game. But already I can tell you all that if you enjoy hack and slash rpgs like diablo or what not then this game is definitely worth your time. This game beats Diablo 2 in every way except so far I have not found a storage container, anywhere I look so I take there is not one. However, you get upgraded inventory slots as you go on through the game so your inventory actually gets bigger. This game does offer something new, and thats the setting and story line. There are not alot of games in this rpg genre that offer the Greek Mythology setting, and personally I love it.

Gameplay: If you have played Diablo or Sacred, then you will know almost exactly how the gameplay is. Though Titan Quest offers some more in depth features. For instance the skill system is the best I have seen so far for this type of game. Yeah sure you don't get to do alot of to your character right at the creation screen, but in the game you get to mold and bend your character to your preference in not only one skill mastery, but two. For instance I have a defense mastery fighter, that basically does what it says allows me to take alot of damage before dieing, not only that at level 8 I get to pick my next and final mastery skill, which I took nature, which allows me to heal and summon pets, and your other druid like spells. So now my character can take a large amount of damage, and then when I get low in hp, I can heal myself. The game does have a little bugs and glitches here and there, but I say if reviewers can give Oblivion 9 and up reviews with all the bugs and glitches that game had, then I don't see why the little bit this game has is that big of a deal......

Graphics: Graphics are nice, even at medium settings they are still the best graphics you can get in a game of this genre. Think of Sacred with a buffed up engine, and running more efficiently. The only thing that gets slightly annoying is the shadows in the game. At high the shadows look nice, but as soon as you turn them down (which alot of people will have to, to get better performance), they start to look pretty bad, and pixelated.

Sound: The music if fitting for the game, it sounds very ancient Greece. The sound effects are on par, and the voice acting in my opinion is very nice. The game was written by the author that wrote Brave Heart, and you can tell, the voices and slang and dialogue actually remind of the movie when Im playing it in a sense that the npcs fall into their characters, just like the actors in the movie.

Value: So far the value of this game is solid. There is a good feel from fighting to getting more story line, there hasn't been that, "oh man when is this fighting going to end so I can get on with the story" feel. The story line has been pretty involved, it seems like every village I come to there is at least 4 or 5 people I can talk to that tell me some cool little story, or offer some sort of side quest. Really what I would say this game is like is World of Warcraft for MMO's. It's not nothing hugely new, its nothing thats offering the next and biggest thing to the genre, but it has taken everything good from the genre, refined it and has made a game darn near perfection.