This game has that "oomph" quality that a lot of other hack-'n-slashers don't! Pure digital crack!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Titan Quest PC
All right, a painful admission first; I never "got" the Diablo games. I played the first's demo, and played through the first act of Diablo II before becoming hugely bored with it. For all the dungeons and monsters, there was something missing. Maybe it was the ugly-as-sin 640x480 pixellicious graphics, maybe the lack of weight behind my weapons when fighting...suffice it to say, I felt completely uninterested by the whole experience. Bad effect for a game to have on a gamer.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I fell in spastic love with this game after completing the demo! I'd read the reviews and seen it touted time and again as a Diablo clone, but the gameplay movies made it look interesting, so onto my hard disk went the demo. LOVE I tell you, LOVE!

Yes, the graphics are simply astounding. The lighting (from spells, torches, fires and whatnot) is excellent, and the detail is incredible. I never get tired of sending Volcanic Orbs into a flock crows and watching each one explode into a ball of feathers which then gently drift to the ground. The ragdoll physics aren't overdone, and it's always fun to watch your foes fly through the air after you smite them.

I can't say enough good things about this game, and I have to emphasize that this TRULY surprises me. So far, I am really and truly loving it!