Titanfall 2 is easily the best campaign I have ever played. With the amount of variety dished into each mission and the change of landscapes plus the freedom to deal with enemies your way combined with rich graphics makes this one of the best FPS ever.
You start out as Jack Cooper a rifleman who gets promoted to acting Pilot when one of the pilots of a Titan dies. BT, as the titan will be known becomes your companion for the game and its a superb combination of blasting through enemies to performing complex wall running jumps and timing them accurately. One of the highlights of the game is the mission where you seamlessly switch into decades of time line to play into the mission. Past & present to be used together to overcome the mission. You cannot die of a fall. No matter how high. The guns are brilliant and so is the other frag arsenal.
The AI varies and while not particularly challenging, they have their pros and some of the higher types can be quite rickety to deal with. The best part of the combat however is the fight with the other mechanized titans. With an array of weapon outfits to chose from and intense fights dodging and managing to hit the titans is an exhilarating experience.
The boss fights are fun and challenging. Each Titan boss fight requires a different tactic due to the load-out the titan carries. Basically the game is a culmination of different games pitching in their ideas of what a best epic campaign could be.