Titanfall, it was the game that made me want to buy my new xbox one with good reason. As a gamer who has played halo and call of duty I have to say this multiplayer game is very refreshing. Even though its a hard transition to go from halo to a game where you get shot down very quickly i'm not mad at all because how fun the game is unlike how I feel about cod. I do wish that the game had some single player modes besides the tutorial but it was a lot of fun throughout. The game on the ground as your pilot is so exhilarating as you jump and wall run through the whole level while dodging bullets from enemy pilots, titans, and different AI's as you try to complete your objective. The titan controls are so similar to the pilots that its easy to transition and the powers and customization you can but in your loadouts makes every match different. I'm sad that the game doesn't have too much of a story but the idea of putting a campaign into a multiplayer makes every match feel like I have to win (even though i lose all the time). Overall I give this game an 8 for its exciting gameplay and awesome mechanics. It would be a 10 however if there was a more in depth storyline or a singleplayer mode.
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