Good ol' fun FPS multiplayer with mechs.

User Rating: 9 | Titanfall XONE

Let me start by saying the haters on here are ridiculous. Sure it may not look graphically as good, framerate, not 1080p as PC or whatever but is it an enjoyable game to play? Let's see.

First off I played the Beta and loved it ran solid with no issues. Just like the first COD:MW this game was flawless right from the start. Load times can be long I noticed the first game you play it takes longer than normal but once your in a game server loading time is fairly decent. Menu system is flawless completely COD-esque style with loadouts and game modes.

The added Parkour style of pilot movement is a great addition. Especially for run and gunning down titans or trying to travel in Capture the flag etc... It works amazingly well. Pilots are pretty useful against titans especially when a titan is pre-occupied with another target. Combat weapon choices are perfect I know it might not have the amount of selection as COD or BF but there seems to be at least one gun or item for each scenario.

Onto Titans! Wow well done really mixes up the generic garbage this genre has been going through since 2007. They are big, powerful and have three chassis to choose from light, med, heavy. My fav is definitely the light for dashing around avoiding direct line of fire. Reminds me of playing old Armored Core titles.

The AI troops are an OK addition I'm on the fence about this one. I recommend taking them out with a silenced weapon or melee because other pilots/titans seem to track you down and kill you a lot easier when your position is revealed. As everyone mentioned they don't really do anything just for kills to get your Titan build time down.

Graphically it looks pretty good. It does have it's frame rate issues IF you pay close attention but the avg gamer most likely wouldn't notice it. Odd times up close in battles I'll notice slight frame rate jitter on other pilots especially. These are minor though and don't effect the game play much. Maps looks great lots of vibrant colors used and good detail.

The downsides well lack of campaign does not bother me much since I don't really play FPS campaign's anymore. But I think it would of been a nice addition for this game and I most likely would beat it. So I'm giving it -1 point for this reason.(Campaign mode is just online domination and mostly attrition matches with little to no story!)

I already know there will be a sequel to this.(any successful game these days has a sequel cause they know it will make $$$ profit) Hopefully they add customization for titan skins and pilot weapons like COD which would be cool.

So I highly recommend purchasing this title it's the best X1 title so far since launch!

P.S. for those reviewing the game giving it a 1...seriously did you even play this game?? It's absurd I'm guessing Sony fanboys are having a hayday. Thanks for ruining the online community all of you. (BTW i'm not a fanboy of any manufacturer. I own several Sony and old Nintendo consoles)