In Titanic Adventure Out of Time you play a british secret service agent who screws up his life and now lives in a small apartment in London during WWII. Well your house gets bombed by the germans, and you fly on board the Titanic to complete the mission you failed. Cyberflix has acuratly recreated the entire ship, room for room, and you can travel almost anywhere. The conversations you have with people are often extremly interting and entertaining, you meat all kinds of folk. the puzzles are interkit and somtimes challenging. Depending on how you play the game effects the outcome of history. You can prevent WWI and II as well as the Russian Revolution, or you make it so Hitler gets the bomb, or the Russians take over the world. The game is amazing, and very underrated. Titanic is seconded only to Ocarina of Time.
Other Helpful Reviews for Titanic: Adventure out of Time
I have been interested in the story of the Titanic since before it was rediscovered on the bottom of the Atlantic, which is years before the James Cameron movie of the same name. This game was something that I saw in a ... Read Full Review
Most simply put, this is one of the greatest games I have ever played. It was back when I was 11 or 12 when I first started It. Now, it takes a lot for a story in a game to impress me, but this one works, and even bett... Read Full Review