Fans of the SNES version are in for a real treat.
It features all of your favourite Turtles: Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Raphael -- each of them with their unique weapons.
If you've played the SNES game, Turtles in Time, you'll definitely be getting some dejavu, because the gameplay is pretty much the same. Enemies will come out, maybe 3 or 4 at a time, and you have to mash the buttons to kill them all. Another set will appear and you'll have to kill them to advance to the next area. Some fights can be pretty tough because they can gang up on you pretty quickly. There is a feature where you press the L button and one of your turtle brothers will appear for a few seconds to help you fight, and leave you a pizza to replenish your health. A nice feature in the game, but it would have made more sense if you could have co-op play.
After you defeat a level, you are transported to the sewers, where you can train to gain more EXP, and visit the store to buy some health or weapons.
The only downside of the game is that it's too short. You'll probably be done it within a few hours. However, the game is good for those long car-rides where you just need to beat stuff to waste some time.