it a cool game to have since I bought the DVD

User Rating: 8.5 | TMNT GC
This game is cool if u are a TMNT fan like me the graphics are sweet and they have cool animation and the fight styles of the turtles are awsome this game will have u playing all over again afther u see the movie because the game follow the movie and some of the scenes from the movie so it will have u playing again trust me but there are down falls in the game u don't get to fight a lot of foot ninjas for the gamecube version of TMNT but does make up the for the other turtles game that came out a while back so this is a good game to play to make time go by but from what I been playing all the turtles fight diffrent but the best character is my favorite character is Leo and he is the best of 4 brothers but all of them fight fairly well ok moving on this game is great so if u a TMNT Fan give this game a chance for the movie sake