i got this game cheap and wasnt expecting much from it. but when i started playing i was really suprised. thing of it as prince of persia junior. most of the game consists of fun platforming that is fast paced and really good because of the fantastic level design. the turtles can do alot of the stuff the prince can do e.g. wall run, bounce between walls etc. the combat is ok but gets a little repetative. the wii waggle is similar to most games in that u shake the controller to attack. this game is aimed at younger kids and is very easy to complete but is still good fun to play.
I thought this game would help me relive the days when I was a child. who wasnt a turtles freak back in the late 80's? But sadly this game does not hold up too well. the platforming sequences are good, the voice acting i... Read Full Review
Story: I usally don't have a story section, but I need to make an exception. The story in this game is suppose to be tied-in to the movie, but how come Ubisoft had to alter it so much? First, the game starts with each tu... Read Full Review