this game is based on the movie coming out called "TMNT" and this game is not a good one the bad guys are dumb as a box of rocks (or even dummber) and its grapics supposed to look like an XBOX 360 the grapics look like an orgainal xbox game to me and game has camera problems really bad camera problems, and if you buy this game for a kid than chances are your kid is going to get frustrated with it but it has great voice overs and the turtles look good overall: rent it first its not that great
I wasn't going to buy this game but after watching the clerks play the game in the EB Game store it drew a crowd including me. I was there to buy Virtua Tennis, but they didn't have it in yet and on my way out of the st... Read Full Review
By lilromeo0606 | Review Date: Mar 20, 2007 | X360
I grew up watching turtles and still watch the show time to time and i read the comics so i know when a good game when i see one but when I downloaded the demo when it came out and used an old xbox controller to play it ... Read Full Review