This game is an extremely easy game, if your over 14. It can be frustrating trying to parts but when you get past them, you'll enjoy it. Its not a deep game, although there is a fair bit to unlock, mostly kids stuff. Its not a long game, if your just going through for the achievements. Will take most gamers bout 4 or 5 hours. But if your after all the unlockables and A+ on every level, then you could be there for a long time. This will be one of those games that people just rent for easy achievement points, and even though its not what most people were expecting its quite a good game! One that people can have short burst's one or spend hours tryin to perfect. The one thing that bothered me about this game is that Raphael kept saying " Here's Jonny". Why heres jonny?? wheres "Cowabunga" gone? and surley if they were having something like that in, wouln't it make more sense to have Donnie say: "Here's Donnie"?? Anyway, it bothered me. The graphics could have been better and even though the fighting is just 2 buttons - if you want ninja ranking on every fight, you will have to put a bit of strategy in the button bashings. Overall i think its better than the other turtles games released a couple of years ago. but its not as much fun as the old arcade style games they used to make. Worth a go if your a fan.
I wasn't going to buy this game but after watching the clerks play the game in the EB Game store it drew a crowd including me. I was there to buy Virtua Tennis, but they didn't have it in yet and on my way out of the st... Read Full Review
By lilromeo0606 | Review Date: Mar 20, 2007 | X360
I grew up watching turtles and still watch the show time to time and i read the comics so i know when a good game when i see one but when I downloaded the demo when it came out and used an old xbox controller to play it ... Read Full Review