TNA Impact gives the series a good base but falls short of what a wrestling game should be.

User Rating: 6.5 | TNA iMPACT! X360
For a while there has only been one contender in the world of pro wrestling video games. The WWE being the champion now has a legitimate challenger Total Nonstop Action (TNA) wrestling and Midway are trying to challenge WWE/THQ for wrestling fans time and money. It has been no secret that there is definitely room for the TNA brand in the gaming market because the WWE series has been sluggish at best in its last few iterations So lets step inside the six sided ring and see if TNA has indeed made an impact.

Sound- All the TNA personalities that are in the game do there voices in the game. Don West and Mike Teenay do the in game commentary. The crowd is passioniate and vital in TNA. The music is also of high quality. The sound in the TNA Impact gets a ten out of ten.

Story- The game has a quirky off the wall story mode that I could see TNA actually using. I will not spoil the story for the gamer you can experience its yourself. What I will cover in this section is something the story mode makes you do and that is create a wrestler mode. I don't mind having to create a wrestler to play story mode, but Midway I want an in-depth creator with plenty of options. TNA Impact does not even come close to WWE/THQ creator. There is only seven body types and three wrestling styles in impact. The clothing and tattoo are severely limited as well. It is for these reasons that Impact's story gets a seven out of ten.

Graphics- the wrestlers models look too much a like for me to forgive it, but everything else in the graphics department is top notch. The graphics get a nine out of ten.

Game play- TNA Impact is by far the fastest most polished in ring wrestling game on the market. The controls are easy to pick up, but hard to master. The good for TNA Impact ends right there. There are only twenty-five TNA rostered wrestlers in the game at launch. The knockouts division isn't even represented in ring in the game at all. Where are the match types six sides of steel, king of the mountain and lethal lockdown are just a few match types that should be in the game that just aren't. Where is career mode? Story mode was fine in the year 2000. where are the belts? The wrestlers do not come out with the belts. I could go on with bad parts of the game, but I'm literally tired of writing. The game play in TNA Impact gets a three point five out of ten.

Midway's TNA Impact has a great foundation on which to build a contending pro wrestling franchise. The first TNA game however, finds itself some how worse than any of its competitors previous games. This game is definitely worth playing if your av wrestling fan, but only as an extended rental or bargain basement title. TNA Impact as a whole gets a six point five out of ten.