This game is fun, but it doesn't have many features. I would decribe it like the 1st WWE games.
1. There are now divas :(
2. Some consoles do not allow you to create your own character for the storyline.
3. Each superstar only has about 8moves!
4. The storyline gets very repetetive
5. Who the hell are those random people you unlock like Big Lenny and Shogun something?!?!
6. There are barely any characters
7. Maybey more I haven't even spotted yet
Though there are also some good features, like:
1. Some awesome matches
2. Some awesome characters
3. It grows on you
4. The entrances don't take half an hour. Just half a 10 seconds!
5. More arenas than the real TNA! :O
6. Maybey some more stuff
To be honest, I would probably rent it or have a go on your friends game (If he/she has the game) before buying this.