Tobal No. 1 is a sophisticated fighter, if not a little more difficult in Quest mode.
User Rating: 6.7 | Tobal No. 1 PS
When I got into Tobal No. 1 initially, I was already well-versed in the land of fighting games and hoping to see some innovation. Instead, I believe that what I got was a Akira Toriyama-induced sugar coated fan fest. The Dragon Ball Z character designer puts a lot of touches on this, but in fact, the only thing that is innovative is the free-roaming arenas. Don't get me wrong, it is a great game, I just was so severely disapointed by the Quest Mode. I couldn't get very far in it. Trying to get past the first level was an exercise in utter frustration to the point I couldn't WAIT to be onto my next game. That's not a good feeling.