Not as good as the original TJ&E, but sporting solid and varied gameplay with all the weirdness you'd expect.

User Rating: 7.5 | ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron GEN
The first ToeJam and Earl was an overhead-perspective adventure game in which the goal was to collect missing spaceship parts as the titular aliens; ToeJam, the three-legged, beef jerky-looking guy with way too big a chain, and Earl, a doughy yellow blob with sneakers. Along the way they collected power-ups out of gift boxes to fight a selection of bizarre enemies like a hula girl and an old man in a carrot suit.

For the sequel, the franchise became a sidescroller and moved the location from "Earth" to TJ&E's home planet of Funkotron to combat an invasion of humans. Still playing as one of the two main characters, the player has to capture humans in jars to set things right.

The world of Funkotron is beautifully realized: animations are hilarious, colors are vibrant, and effects are really cool. The graphics are one of the best parts of the game. Besides the platforming, which is competent but not particularly groundbreaking, and consists mostly of finding hidden paths, power-ups, and earthlings, Panic on Funkotron includes a few minigames like "hyper zone," a psychedelic speed run through some kind of alternate universe and a rhythm game at the end of every level. TJ&E also have some cool powerups like Superjars that can catch any earthling on the first try and a "funk scan" to see hidden doors or enemies.

Unfortunately, the game also has two considerable flaws. The first is the boring platforming. Searching behind trees, bushes, and rocks for bonuses and enemies keeps things going but other than that moving around the levels is *yawn*... ssfdasssssssssfffffa;adff huh? right, moving around looking for that last earthling once you've already discovered the level's secrets can be very dull. If they had to go and make the game a platformer, they could've made the characters less... clunky. The second isn't really the game's fault but I have to bring it up. One of the reasons the first game was so successful was its unique gameplay, sort of an anti-RPG, where the focus wasn't on leaping around collecting coins (or points... or in this case "funk") as in most games of the day but exploring and seeing what crazy obstacles would try to get in your way next. TJ&E tosses that out the window to be just another Genesis platformer, albeit a good one.