Could this be the greatest Sega Genesis Game of all time? Just ask Planet Funktron, they'll tell you YES!
There were alot of good Genesis titles, but I honestly can't think of one thats better than this. It is totally original, unique, and a blast to play especially in two player mode. So what's this game about you may ask, well you're eith ToeJam or Earl, stuck on this planet that is full of levels... scattered randomly throughout these levels are parts to your rockin space ship. Simply find all of these space ship parts to get you two hip-hop aliens back to planet funktron.
Throughout your journey you'll run into santa, the boogieman, a twisted dentist, a fat lady singing, a cigar smokin fat man cutting grass, insane "postal" mailboxes, and other funny characters.
This game has good graphics, GREAT SOUND, with music that I still can't get out of my head, and funny sounds effects. Controls are simple, and the lasting appeal is unsurpased because if you chose RANDOM levels, everytime you play the loevels are different! Its very far ahead of its time!
Yes if you are a genesis fan, you must own this game!