C L A S S I C retro fun, on the "cheep"

User Rating: 8.5 | Toki Tori WII
Having missed the original on the GBA some years ago I have been watching this title with interest and was pleased it was a PAL wiiware launch day title. At only 900 points too, which I reckon equates to about £6. Having exactly 900 points remaining in my account made it an easy choice between this and Lost Winds (1000pts), although I will probably get that title later.

From what I can gather levelwise, all 60 original levels are included, together with 20 new ones. I've just flown through the first 5 to see what the controls are like and I must say I'm impressed. Graphically everything is crisp and lush, nothing next gen really but all done very nicely indeed. Controls are very good - simply point on the screen with the wiimote and press "A" - if Toki is able to go there,off he trots. Holding down A lets Toki walk (although I'm not sure of the benefit of this). You can also attach a nunchuck and walk about with the analogue stick, or even use a mixture of the two, which I found myself dong a lot.

The "B" button is used for special items. The items I have used so far include "build a bridge" , "freeze" (used to kill enemies - beware these can block your path) and "teleport" - all fairly self explanatory. Each time you get a new item you are told how to use it and are given the opportunity to practise with it before moving onto the next level. My only bug bear with the controls is the dreaded "motion control for the shake of it" argument - to switch between items you shake the wiimote. However this isn't too annoying and if you didn't have a nunchuck attached you have run out of buttons by now so I guess it is needed (or more buttons Ninty!!).

"+" button restarts you if you get stuck, and "-" pans the screen out so you can look around by moving the wiimote up and down (this is helpful on bigger levels)

The aim of the game is to collect a designated amount of eggs from the level without being hit by a creature, falling on spikes or getting stuck. You have 1 wildcard if a level proves impossible, but you can only skip one level this way.

2 Player is supported, but is (or seems to be) limited to hinting what P1 should do by marking the screen. As I think you have to be in the same room to use the 2 player mode, why not simply tell your mate what to do instead of pointing with your wiimote?

Overall if you are a fan and played the original recently you might not think there's enough new content to "shell out" again, but if you played it years ago and enjoyed it on the small screen, its even better on your TV.

The Wii (and in particular Wiiware) needs more games like this. A definite buy and a steal at the price.

[290 Blocks of space are needed.]