Customize your cars. You don't even have to be black or into the urban culture to do it either.
Tokyo takes a different approach. Unlike NFSU2, where you have to drive around on tight narrow roads to find your races, Tokyo pits you against other racers on the highways of Japan. You can challenge whoever you see and it gives you a map that is useful.
The graphics are quite good. I think this game is about two or three years old now but it still looks better on the PS2 compared to newer racing games such as TOCA 3. It does suffer however from an occasional frame rate problem. This usually only happens when you are presenting the challenge to another racer.
The gameplay is unique and I think that's what I like best about Tokyo. It's not a simulation game by any means, nor is it too arcadey. When you are racing other drivers you get a battle gauge. This is more or less a health bar that will remind you of a fighting game. If you start to fall behind your health drops. Likewise if you run into things you also suffer damage.
Tokyo 3 improves upon Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero or (TXRZ). The uprading system for tuning and adjusting your cars is not much easier to do. This game was also actually able to get licensing from some manucaturers. In the TXRZ you were not given names of the cars, you were only told the engine number of the car you wanted and they were seperated into class.
The Driving remains the same. You can still go into big drifts through turns and not lose your speed. Style and fun all wrapped into one.
The music for the game fits I suppose. It's japanese rock music. Not quite as good as the first but it's still enjoyable.
This game is huge. There are now two extra cities to explore and easily 1000 races to be done. This is not the best racing game out there by any means but it has it's place, and for what it does it is a really great bargain and a heck of a lot of fun.