A great game that is overlooked. It has many innovative ideas.soldier's abilities and types.

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's EndWar PS3
A great game that is overlooked. It has many innovative ideas. The game is fun in both single and multi player. There are very few flaws. One being that the factions are to similar and so picking one really doesn't make a difference. Hopefully when End War 2 comes out Sega implement different soldier's abilities and types. I have enjoyed the game and community as most of the individuals that play this game are adults. The single player is almost impossible to beat at hardcore and so making it a challenge. The multiplayer is limited by their ranking system, as a level 12 player can play a level 1 in certain matches. This is frustrating when you first out, but after awhile revenge takes place. Overall a great game that will be probably have a loyal following of the series for awhile. This game is a gem to should not be passed up.