Absolute rubbish got great graphics and all but when it comes down to gameplay it fails miserably and in story.

User Rating: 2 | Tom Clancy's EndWar PS3
Right first off you end up buying this game with loads of hyped up reviews and a very new thing voice command truly magnificent.

that is what I thought when I saw gameplay reviews and when I bought it and opened it for Christmas...

I was WRONG. Open it and mic is fidgity and guess what £14.99 spent on it wasted as it doesnt work. Ok I can cope with that besides The game itself is said to be amazing world war 3 atmosphere thought many games focus on that kinda thing this one has all new gear yet realistic at same time. However I start the game's single player and asked to make my mic work this is when i realise that it doesnt work and p***es me off. Then I end up having to use the controller. Then you get no story all you know is oil is out Russia has pissed off to go play with itself the EU is finally the EU and europe is actually in it not everyone who is near the mediterranian and the USA is advanced more than any other is. So you start off killing loads of terrorists because they are a threat to peace (no surprise there, there is no such thing as a tom clancy game with no terrorists).It gives you basics and I learnt to handle the game fairly well. Then after all the terrorist bit you have to chose your faction that you join spetsnaz guard green (russia) EU enforcers corp (EU=rubbish) and JSF (USA unfortunatley counter balances all the rest). Right when you do instead of having the magnificent maps that I saw in gameplay you end up having to attack where the computer wants you to. So as Russia i attack EU and win because the fight was very one sided. Then somehow EU attacks Moscow without going through any territory... Ok small problem strategically and pretty unrealistic you have to defend moscow in an uplink game pretty fun infantry are main component and take uplinks for your side against european fools. However defcon happens when i start winning and all my troops are destroyed. Ok fine I may have sworn a bit but I was still in the match and wait for reinforcements and order them and rejoice in the fact that I can launch my vacuum bomb at them... no kills by it... somehow it kill no one and enemy take all uplinks... I repeat this many times so i give up on single player which is bollocks.

Right multiplayer things improve but still a rock paper scissor thing happens with vehicles ie. helis beat tanks, tanks beat transports, transports beat helis.
kinda lowsey and unless you have headset you can talk with the other player on your side making your attacks uncoordinated and usually failing... Then you have destruction battles one side defends key installations and other defends basically just load up with tanks and they cant kill enough of your troops to win. Right so far I have been criticising it... So I will keep going...
It screws up yet again with which army you join I think 52% of all players last time I checked were JSF and 28% spetsnaz (like me) and 22% EU (spases)
EU always loses there attacks are a lot weaker than the others every troop is weaker than JSF and Spetsnaz. Oh EU has electromagnetic warfare= crap it does same thing that airstrike does ruin tanks and disable stuff so why not just use airstrike? SO EU is rubbish luckily Spetsnaz are good and do look fairly cool as do JSF but Spetsnaz get pwned by JSF because they are better.

Only thing that does some good for the game is 2 vs 2 battles they are fairly fun but only when you win it goes boring if you lose because your units keep drawing on dying and if you leave game you look like a **** It makes you feel special when you call in more gunships and stuff but the way they come into the battle is a little unrealistic 4 heavy tanks in a helicopter... Even I dont think it will fit let alone fly same with transports infantry rapple down... Why not just land the heli they arent in a hotzone? (unless you a retard and let the enemy get there). WHat is good though is the scenery and graphics they are very good and I was surprised by tem I hadnt seen graphics that good since MGS4 (apart from MGS4 actually has a storyline and is fun).

In conclusion I was a retard to buy this game the mic doesnt work and I wont complain to Sony (because I aint French). So this game will collect dust on the shelf because it is not a classic. If you want a strategy game buy world in conflict old but alot better than this. Ok last this games single player is rubbish and so is the multiplayer but not to the same extent and as for keeping troops being upgraded and being made better that is just annoying and they usually die anyway. Also last but not least the scenery is good and really fun to blow up on Defcon ^^ especially in Capitals.

Game=Rubbish that is why I have given it this very low score I expected better from a Tom clancy game but recently they have been graphics and no fun anyway I know many of you wont agree but if you bought the LTD pack for $44.99 you would probably cry too. Anyway crap game and I probably wont buy another Tom Clancy game unless they actually start handing them out for free. Btw I havent given a review this bad ever.