A bit simplistic, but nevertheless, a solid Turn Based Strategy

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's EndWar PSP
Nothing like the Console version.
Thats no great surprise, we all axpected it to be different.
But not this different.
The only thing they have in common is the WW3 setting.

But its very basic, simply move and attack. Units have no special skills or attributes, Blocking someone is considered a brilliant maneuver and the graphics are just as basic as the gameplay.

Without the Voice commands the game seems to be lacking the single factor that made the console version so memorable, so minus points there.
But one thing can be said.
The game is huge.
102 levels in the campaign!
33 stages for the Enforcers (Europe)
33 stages for the JSF Joint Strike Force (USA)
33 stages for the Spetsnaz (Russians)
aswell as 3 tutorials.

Though its quite basic, the individual campaigns have varying difficulty levels so anyone can play. Only hardcore Clancy fans would be willing to pay such a high price for it.

-Huge Campaign
-Map Editor is a uselfull addition
-Good Multiplayer, if you can find someone to play against
-Good for all ages
-Good for all skill levels
-Three Playable Factions...

-...Even though the factions have no differences. :(
-Poor Graphics
-Simplistic Gameplay
-Non-Existent storyline
-The way the people speak is almost childish and insulting at the same time eg. You Won! Way to Go! or You Won! Awesome! etc...etc..etc...

The Verdict
If you are able to rent psp games, rent it first. If you can't: wait for the steep price to drop somewhat