Best Ghost Recon on the Xbox

User Rating: 8.7 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 XBOX
The first Ghost Recon game on the Xbox was a pretty good game and so was Island Thunder and this game makes the series even better. The game takes the game from the first person to the third person over the shoulder camera view. The game has a better story, graphics, levels, and online multiplayer.
The game's new over the should view works alot better than the old first person view, don't get me wrong I like FPS but the third person view works alot better. Instead of being able to switch between two different teams like the old Ghost Recon games, you will only be controlling one character and will only have one team. You will be able to select from a variety of guns from different classes like sniper rifles, grenadier, machine gunner, and rifleman. The game also introduces a new type of gun that is attached with a camera that will allow you to look around cover and shoot enemies.
The game also has a variety of game modes including the standard story mode, lone wolf, firefight, recon, and defend. The new mode lone wolf has you playing a level of the story mode by yourself using the new camera equipt gun. The multiplayer is pretty good and offers online support for 16 players. Game modes include deathmatch, team deathmatch, and some other modes that will have your team trying to do something like protect a person and the other team will try and kill him. The game also offers offline support for 4 players on one console and the same standard game modes as online and can play campaign cooperatively.
The game is very good game and is a great improvement on the series and is a game worth buying for the Xbox. The game is solid and will offer a good and varied campaign and a fairly good online multiplayer experience.