Don't believe the hype. When I way the positives vs negatives of this game, I certainly don't come up with a winner.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 XBOX
I generally love 3rd person shooters, and am a big fan of the military games. However, in playing ghost recon 2 (Xbox version), I continue to come up with quite a few negatives related to the game. Let me begin with a positive and say, I love the 3rd person perspective, huge improvement over the other ghost recon games. Additionally, the shooting is very good, and when you take hits, it feels as if you are being shot. The sounds and recoil of the weapons is good. Also, the terrain you get to play in is decent. Another bonus for the game is you can save at any point, which I think is huge. Now for the improvements which should be made to this game. 1. The radar often doesn't show your enemies. At times you see enemies coming on radar, and then there are times you are getting shot, with noone on the radar and no idea where the bullets are coming from. 2. The first aid delivery in this game stinks. I am on mission 8, bought a strategy guide, and still haven't fully figured out this aspect of the game. I don't even see it mentioned in the strategy guide. 3. A big negative is that you don't have a health meter, you don't have any idea how many shots you can take. Makes it very difficult to determine whether you want to save or not. You also can't heal yourself, so your SOL if you get shot. 4. I don't think the game does a good job at all of letting you hide, or camoflouge in the environment. Enemies identify you rather quickly; however, some of the enemies have very good camo and are hard to identify. 5. Deleting the opportunity to build up your team, and choose their weapons, was a mistake. Your team doesn't feel like a huge benefit most of the time, although the suppression fire is decent. The orders you can provide them are very limited. Much better to be able to point to a spot on the map and be able to send your people there which was how the old games operated. 6. The icons stink, noone could identify the grenade based on the icon image, etc.. 7. Another huge challenge with this game which is unbelievable to me, is that you can't navigate the terrain lots of times. You can't climb rocks or even run up sloping rocks. You can't crawl through bushes. It is extremely limiting. Overall, I believe this game is way overrated, and wish I had rented it instead of buying it. The best thing would have been for it to never come out w/out the improvements noted above.