Quite good, if you can stand real good tatics, patience and skill

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 PC
It's hard to believe that after the sucuessful GRAW, now the newest to the series in PC is a complete catastrophe. Once again you play as Scott Mitchell, commanding a bunch of guys through Mexico looking for some Nukes. The story is great, focusing on the chase on the rebels and it gets more intense mission after mission, if you can actually get past it, which we'll talk about this later
The graphics are somewhat disappointing, though the phsyics are great. The grass is very badly drawn and has very obvious square dots along it's side. The second thing is it's bushes, specially designed to block you view as it appears as a big block square cube which you cant go near it like a musuem display. The physics like the model and movement are captured good though, as you see grass moving a bit. The second thing are lots of things(well, not as much as you imagine) can be destroyed such as fenced can be torned down to bits.
The gamplay can be fraustrating, if you aren't tatical enough, as the game tends to be realistic. If you happen to be one of those CS players, you might get gun downed just trying to get past the first few guys. Your health system unlike the current fashion of health regenerate, you have a health bar that depletes in a few shots. And I do mean a few shots. It's quite fun, though I admit it's hard. I played it once and gave up. The second time i played I jsut discovered how wonderful it is when you're tatical enough. It's not that hard as everyone thinks, your health really depletes within a few shots, but if you slowly plan your movements, get your teamates to the right position, it's as easy as hell.
Though each mission has only a few checkpoints, luckily there is a quick save system which u can save when you aren't under fire. The best part of the game is probably the Ai the and weapons. Your teamates are very co-operative and they are agressive. Let's say they spot an enemy, they go to cover and peek left/right and take a few shots. They might even run out and shot at the runners. The weapons are cool, from rifles to LMGs, everything you expect is here, and you can customise it with whatever you want, such as scopes, sound supressors and GLs.
The multiplayer is the highlight of the whole game. There are a couple of cool modes you can choose from such as Assault vs Recon, Hamburger Hill, 2 different co-op modes and finally the traditional deathmatch. Though you can't customise your weapons in MP(besides co-op story), the combinations preset have a huge variety, depending on what you like.
GRAW 2 isn't that bad, but tends to be very realistic and let people know how soldiers in real life works. It's just not appreciated for not protagonist style.